Video Poll helps you get Feedback.

Send a video intro followed by a poll or servey. Using our simple online video poll maker will help you drive engagement and build a stronger business relationship.

Create your account
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Create the feeling of

questions at scale

Engage - Our studies show 21% more engagement compared to ordinary surveys.

Goodbye to boring polls - Get that data! But when doing so, make it more fun and personal for your audience using video.

Create your poll in 2 minutes

Record. Write. Feedback

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Record a video clip and tell your audience a little bit about you and your company and why you need feedback.
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Write your questions and ask options.
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Add a GIF or text message to thank your audience for the feedback.

Use Video Poll For


Record a video clip and tell your audience a little bit about you and

Customer feedback

Record a video clip and tell your audience a little bit about you and your company and why you need feedback.

User research

Record a video clip and tell your audience a little bit about you and your company and why you need feedback.

Employee polls

Record a video clip and tell your audience a little bit about you and your company and why you need feedback.

Audience engagement

Record a video clip and tell your audience a little bit about you and your company and why you need feedback.

#1 tip for video creation

Not everyone is comfortable in front of the camera. So here is a few tips to help you on your way. But remember, it  doesn´t have to be perfect. Your audience will reward you for taking a different approach to a usually boring poll.

  • Be personal rather than perfect.
  • Again – be personal rather than perfect.
  • Challange yourself and make contact by looking into the camera.
  • Use the opportunity to focus on ONE person.
  • Use more energy then you think is needed.
  • Overdo it a bit to make it clear what you offer, and not.
  • Educate, challange and entertain to get the audience attention.

How Video Poll works

Poll results

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Headline and

At VideoPoll we keep it simple since we are self-funded, but mostly because we want to be able to offer the service to a low cost. Our mission is to help companies to reach out in a more personal way. Remember, it´s not about looking perfect on video, just be yourself and your audience will appreciate you talking to them in a new and personal way. We love what we do, and hope you will too.

Brand your free poll maker

You are your companys brand ambassador! No logo or company profile can market your company better then you, no matter if you are a founder, account manger, HR or developer! But if you want to add that little extra we also offer following features.

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  • Basic video poll
  • Use a bar
  • Vote on a person or product
  • Guide the user


  • Tips for video creation
  • Company logo
  • Logo intro sound
  • Company colors
  • GIF outro
  • Text outro
  • User profile presentation
  • Analytics
  • Poll result settings
  • Video effects
  • Trim video
  • Illustration


  • Online video poll maker


  • Our Blog
  • About us
  • Pricing Privacy policy
  • Terms and conditions
  • Contact